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Study: Consumers more aware of packaging
Posted March 14, 2012

FORT LEE, N.J. (March 14, 2 p.m. ET) -- Give consumers the option to buy a more eco-friendly product and they will take it; just don’t give confusing messaging about its environmental benefits, according to a recently released study.

Perception Research Services found that 36 percent of shoppers in 2011 said they would choose environmentally friendly packaging compared with 28 percent in 2010, according to a news release.

Half of the shoppers said they were willing to pay more, which was more prevalent with those under the age of 40. About 59 percent said seeing environmental claims on packaging positively impacts their behavior to either buy more of their usual brands or switch to others.

But a significant amount of shoppers said they are frustrated with the way companies promote environmental claims. At least 26 percent said there isn’t enough environmental information; 20 percent are confused by all the different environmental claims; and 22 percent don’t know which packages are best for the environment.

“We’re seeing a great opportunity for manufacturers to provide truly value-added packaging to their target shoppers by making it more environmentally friendly -- primarily in the form of recyclability and recycled content -- and clearly communicating these aspects,” Jonathan Asher, executive vice president at Fort Lee-based Perception Research Services, said in a news release. “We have seen that it is vital to get both the message right as well as the delivery [of the message], because one without the other will create a missed opportunity.”

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